
The Netherlands joined the Eureka call on Applied Quantum technologies. Which means QDNL is funding the best proposals from The Netherlands.

What is it?

Eureka is the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, present in over 45 countries.
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For whom is it?

With Eureka there is the freedom to create an individual cross-country consortium and decide the technological focus of your international R&D projects in line with our CAT ambitions (Link to CAT ). The Call for proposals on Applied Quantum technologies is now open to startups, SMEs, large companies, research organisations and universities.

What now?

Make sure you have a consortium, a proposal that fulfills our national Quantum ambitions in the following areas, and check your eligibility for funding.

Check out!

Our acceleration goals in the Catalyst lines (CATs)

  • CAT-1: Quantum computing and simulation
    • Engineering quantum computers with at least 100 qubits and single- and two-qubit error rates better than 10-3 and operating at clock speeds above 1 MHz.
    • Strengthening the Dutch supply chain for quantum computing components and modules.
    • Development & application of quantum algorithms and procedures/methods to optimize the execution of such algorithms for NISQ quantum computers
    • Standardization (of interfaces) and definition PLUS implementation of benchmarks for quantum computing.
    • Creation of synergy between CAT 1 and European projects aimed at the above goals, such as from.
  • CAT-2: Quantum communication and quantum secured internet
    1. Build the national quantum network
    2. Accelerate next-generation technology developments
    3. Commercialize quantum communication technology
  • CAT-3: Quantum Sensing Applications Programmes
    • Contributing to the advancement of Quantum Sensing technologies in the Netherlands, with a focus on core technologies such as Cold Atoms, Optomechanical systems, and NV Centers.
    • Proposing, developing, and testing tangible industrial Quantum Sensing use cases across sectors such as the Semiconductor Market, Space, Energy Transition, Defense, and Security.
    • Strengthening the Dutch proposition on Quantum Sensing within the Dutch and European quantum ecosystem.

Read more about activities and events in our Newsletter

Make sure’re on time. Deadline is 9 May, 2024 (16:00). Best of success.

More questions? Contact our EU adviser or RVO:

Julia Feddersen