Multilateral Dialogue on Quantum

A group of like-minded countries with significant expertise and programs in quantum information science and technology (QIST) meet on a regular basis to work together to advance the field and grow the global QIST ecosystem.

4th Meeting 24-27 October 2023

As a joint effort, Denmark and the Netherlands hosted the 4th meeting of this group, with delegates from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The roundtable meeting in Copenhagen was followed by a security workshop in Amsterdam co-hosted by the Netherlands and the UK.

The group discussed concrete ways to work together to advance positive use-cases of QIST technologies and to strengthen research and innovation cooperation through multilateral funding calls; and how to move forward on aligning security-related policies in the field of quantum technology.

The group also discussed a set of Guiding Principles that should guide joint efforts to support a global quantum ecosystem.

Guiding principles


Promote scientific collaboration and the exchange of ideas to support quicker scientific discovery in QIST.


Incorporate subject-matter expertise in policy discussions and decisions.


Share best practices and coordinate outreach in joint effort to grow the QIST talent base.


Promote research security, align and reinforce technology protection measures, and support a fair marketplace, to create a vibrant and trusted global QIST industry.


Plan for the deployment of quantum-resistant cyber infrastructure, such as quantum-resistant cryptography, to responsibly address the risks of QIST.


Increase quantum awareness and readiness in the development and use of quantum-based technologies and applications.


Motivate the discovery of use cases of QIST for the benefit of humanity.